Another farm adventure in Brazil

Atlantic Rainforest (Brazil)

If you’ve look around this blog at all you will notice a substantial number of entries on my experiences taking students to Brazil. Now I’ve found another interesting farm in Brazil that hosts guests. Check out the Eco-Farm. Looks fantastic, with many of the same options as FAF. From the pictures is looks like much more Atlantic Rain Forest to explore and the lodging appears to be a little more rustic than FAF. Still, I’d try it. Read Ze’s story here, his dream to farm and journey to financial sustainability.


Filed under agriculture, natural, small farms

3 responses to “Another farm adventure in Brazil

  1. Ola from Brazil! I’ve been following your posts, and will need to keep in touch. We’re about to sign the deed on a small organic farm in the mountains above Rio, and our goal is to transform the surrounding agricultural valley into an entirely organic, entirely sustainable community. The farmers we’ve spoken to are cautious, but open to discussion. It would be wonderful to have the help of you and your students one day.

    Feel free to contact me at

    Boa sorte!

  2. Dan, I have heard quite a bit about this guy. At one point before I went to FAF I was planning on going to this gentleman’s farm. His farm is much more rustic than FAF and located in the Parque Naccional Serra da Boccaina. He also participates with WWOOF Brazil.

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